Angry Birds



The Early Hatchling Gets the Worm (Short 2016)

An unlikely friendship forms between a Hatchling and a worm she adopts. wormbirdbeach ... Released in the DVD extras of The Angry Birds Movie (2016). Connections.

The Early Hatchling Gets the Worm | Angry Birds Wiki

A worm is seen digging dirt until it hits a rock. Sam jumps off a bush and catches the worm and hugs it in love. She is then walking it in a hatchling carriage, ...


,,AnunlikelyfriendshipformsbetweenaHatchlingandawormsheadopts.wormbirdbeach...ReleasedintheDVDextrasofTheAngryBirdsMovie(2016).Connections.,Awormisseendiggingdirtuntilithitsarock.Samjumpsoffabushandcatchesthewormandhugsitinlove.Sheisthenwalkingitinahatchlingcarriage, ...